Renewal by post
First, download the Membership Renewal Form. Print this out and fill it in.
If you are a UK tax payer, please download and fill in the Gift Aid form, it raises an extra 25p for every £1 you give us.
You can pay your membership fees by enclosing a cheque or postal order for the required payment with your form. Send your forms and payment to:
The Membership Secretary
Downpatrick & County Down Railway
Market Street
County Down
BT30 6LZ
Northern Ireland, UK
If you prefer, you can send us a good quality scan of any forms by email to
Online payment
Membership fees
Adult | £22 |
Family | £55 |
Concession | £15 |
Concessionary rate applies to under 16s, senior citizens, unwaged people and anyone in full time education.
Family rate covers two adults and two under 16s.