Amateur photography and video is very welcome at our railway during public train running. However we do have some guidelines we would ask you to follow.
- Do not leave any public area of the railway to take photos or video. You must remain on trains, platforms, or walkways at all times.
- Do not walk on the tracks, ever.
- Please be considerate to other visitors. Be polite, and remember that everyone has paid just the same as you to visit the railway and enjoy the experience.
- Please be tolerant of children, as they are having the time of their lives and enjoying themselves more than you are!
- Do not directly photograph other passengers, especially children.
- We can’t move trains for your photos or videos, nor can we start trains that are in use for you to video.
- Take care if you are using a tripod, keep away from platform edges and narrow areas, and make sure other visitors don’t trip over it.
While most of our running days are aimed more at families, tourists and other visitors, we do occasionally run special events such as diesel galas which are specifically tailored to the railway enthusiast and will have provision made for photography and video in special locations.
If you are part of a photography club then it may be possible to arrange a visit with additional behind the scenes access, subject to health and safety requirements and availability of qualified volunteers. These visits must be arranged in advance, they cannot be accommodated if you just turn up. Please contact us if you are interested in this.